Jeff Woods



Ten-Minute Speaker - James Ross: James is an MSU student and shares with us how God is teaching him the depth of who He, God, is.

Tom Hardiman – Restoration!: Tom uses the reign of Queen Victoria to parallel what the Lord is saying to us today, calling our day the New Victorian Era. He uses various scriptures to illustrate the biblical theme that where there has been loss there will be restoration of that loss.

Prophetic Insights for Christmas 2012 and Beyond



To be successful in the coming year, we must be walking in the power of God. Then we need to take the love and hope of God to the lost around us. Dave encourages us that the fulfillment of the promises of God to our lives is closer than we think.  We can’t stagger at the promises because of unbelief. Dave also shares a moving story about the salvation of his father. 

All Aboard!


MaryAnn Hardiman – Ten-Minute Speaker: MaryAnn speaks about the upcoming women’s conference. She encourages women to seek to be all the Lord has made them to be.

Tom Hardiman – All Aboard! : Tom shares a prophetic experience he had where the Lord told him to shout, “All Aboard!” to the church. Another pastor confirms this word with a revelation he told Tom about. This confirmation explains what God is saying through the revelation: it is time to relocate to the place of our assignment, not just enjoying the view of the train ride, or just observing.