Unity Breeds Authority

Unity Breeds Authority

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner wraps up the week with more special guests from the MorningStar Fellowship of Ministries. Today, he is joined by Randy and Dawn Cutter of New Dawn Community Church in Coral Springs, Florida. Randy and Dawn have pastored New Dawn since planting the church in 1995. Living in "Hurricane Central", they have seen the Lord respond to prayer in incredible ways, including in regards to Hurricane Irene in 1999. The Lord showed them that the hurricane was coming so they began to warn the Christian community that they needed to intercede. God's people responded with unified intercession and Hurricane Irene only landed as a Category 1 storm compared to the much larger threat the Lord had showed them. When we come together in prayer, our unity will bring a greater level of authority.

Fri, Jan 13, 2012