No Room for Cowardliness in Christianity

No Room for Cowardliness in Christianity

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner is joined by special guests, Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin and Kamal Saleem. Today the three discuss principles of Islam that we must be aware of. Such as:
-True practicing Muslims cannot have non-Muslim friends.
-Islam can have no equal.
-There are 3 groups of Muslims: Muslim by name only (secular), Middle group (These do not want Shariah Law, but want the freedom to worship as a Muslim.), and Jihadist (They desire to bring insurgency into every aspect of American life and ultimately, kill all infidels.)

As Christians, we believe in religious freedom; we cannot impose our faith on others, but neither shall we be subject to others imposing their religion on us.

Lt. Gen. (ret.) Jerry Boykin was one of the elite warriors chosen in 1978 to make up the first unit in America's ultrasecretive and deadly Delta Force. He then became commander of the unit, and later still, commander of all U.S. Army Special Forces. His thirty-six years in the military included a tour at the Central Intelligence Agency and clandestine missions around the world. Jerry retired in 2007, serving his last four years as the deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence.

Kamal Saleem is a former Muslim terrorist who became a Christian through the faithful love and support of believers after a terrible car accident. "Today, Kamal Saleem educates state and federal political leaders, military leaders, intelligence specialists, security officials and contractors, law enforcement agencies, foundations, non-profits, churches, synagogues, universities, military academies and receptive Muslim audiences on what he knows of the deadly enemy without – and the cancerous enemy within." -

Mon, Mar 5, 2012