Jenny Embry

Take the Land


This past week was the "Faith Race" project for MorningStar University students. Nathan shares about the importance of these exercises and the faith that is built. Students are invited onstage to share their experiences, many of which were miraculous.

Redemptive Clues in Cities


Tom shares that Jesus is in heaven still building His church and making fishers of men. The gates of hell will not prevail against it; and the blueprint of the church has victory stamped all over it. He tells us that we need to raise up armies that will take regions. He uses the story of building the Brooklyn Bridge to illustrate the spiritual building of cities.

Passionate Pursuit


Brandon Hull talks about how it's so hard to see the positive in ourselves and so easy to see the negative, unless we are seeing through the Lord's eyes. He demonstrates how following your passion even when you think it's a complete flop will outcome greatly if it's what God has in store for you. He uses George Lucas as an example in making the Star Wars series.

Under the Hand of the Father


Tonight's session features Ray Hughes, who talks about the Tabernacle of David and the nature of praise. True worship has no room for a sense of entitlement, it is consumed only by union with our Creator. We do not trust in the promise of revival, we trust in the Lord. It's time that Christians take it back to the simplicity of worship and love, our true purpose. 

The Religious Spirit


Rick Joyner teaches on 2 Sam 11:1. If it’s time for war and if you don’t go to war you will be overcome and out of God’s will. It’s time for battle right now. There are strongholds gripping many people. The Religious Spirit is the strongest, most evil and deceptive spirit today. It keeps us from loving God. It causes us to get further and further away from God. We need to see it, recognize it and win the battle against it. There is truth that will set us free.