Jenny Embry

Ultimate Success


After a powerful time of worship with Molly, Jenny and Caitlin, Rick teaches some practical steps to attain "Ultimate Success." He uses the example of the circumstances around Lazarus' death and resurrection. He explains that we can touch the heart of God in such a way that brings Him joy. The Lord is "re-visioning" us this year by calling us to simplicity and moderation.

How Old Is The Universe


Frank Turek gives us four questions to help us consider whether the Bible is true. He shares from his book, 'I Don't Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist', and gives three major arguments that God exists. He uses quotes from noted atheists proving doubts in their beliefs. He also addresses the controversy surrounding when the universe was created.

MorningStar Church Government


After an intense time of worship with Molly, Jenny, and Elizabeth, Rick shares a message that details the structure of MorningStar government. He explains the importance of the different roles that church members play in church life to maintain an active an healthy body. The service ends with recognizing and ordaining new elders in the church.

Sanctification Part 2


     Rick Joyner continues his teaching on sanctification, laying out the roadmap which starts with repentance. Both John and Jesus called for repentance because of the kingdom, not for fear of judgment. We must align ourselves with the ways of the kingdom, through the renewing of our minds in peace and rest.