Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Moral Meltdown in America

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives, Rick Joyner addresses the meltdown of morality and integrity that have taken place in America. Sometimes the Lord uses discipline to turn His people back to Himself. It is time for a new great awakening in America, including a moral awakening. We will see revival filling stadiums in America again.

Japanese Earthquake, A Prophetic Demarcation in Time, Part 3

In Part 3 of this Video Special Bulletin, Rick Joyner speaks about the coming economic unraveling. This economic meltdown cannot be prevented, nor can we predict the timing, but we can prepare for it and pray for God’s grace. Some practical ways to prepare are to store 6 weeks to 3 months of food and clean water (or water purification products), and go through disaster response training (click here for more information) .

In the Zone

Al Wood teaches that some of the greatest leadership of the last days will come out of professional sports. Teamwork is the main thing if we want to be successful in building the body of Christ. We must have a bigger vision than our own church.