Kingdom Business Association

Where We're At


Lance Wallnau - Where We're At: Lance shares a teaching about where we are today beginning with an overview of church history. From there he launches into where he believes we are going. We are now coming into what he describes as the church kingdom focus where heaven is coming to earth. But too much of the body of Christ has been focused solely on the spiritual. A religious spirit has operated in the church up till now and it has emasculated our callings.

Open Heavens & Small Into New


Rick recaps prophecies regarding the U.S. government and martial law.  He has been saying this for 27 years, but the word is finally being heard as it aligns with current events.


Lance talks about an international movement of “sheep” leading nations, not goats leading nations.  He also talks about standing strong in who God created you to be!  The smallest person is going to make the greatest impact!

Created or Formed


Gene Strite - Created or Formed: Gene feels that there is a premature/orphan spirit flowing in the church. When we do things our way, we separate from the Lord and become an orphan spirit. That will cause us to labor in that which God called us to, instead of enjoying it. If we are orphans, we are not the sons of God. We can be led by the spirit or our own efforts. Because we are the CEO of our own lives, we can't blame the devil for all our bad decisions; therefore, we have to reap the results of those decisions.